John Mattiacci
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How to Serve Clients Better Using Zoom, Skype, & FaceTime

Personal injury law is complicated, and when someone else's negligence has harmed a client, they need your legal attention. Personal injury clients are at their most vulnerable, and they look to you not only for your skilled legal guidance but also for your understanding and concern. You care about your clients' claims, and addressing your Zoom, Skype, & other video chat platform capabilities in your law firm marketing can help you show them just how much.

Modern Times

Modern times dictate that the days of scheduling back-to-back in-person appointments with our clients are over (at least for the time being). The pandemic caught us all unaware and left us scrambling. Along the way, we found Zoom and other video chat platforms like it to help us bridge the gap. Over the course of time, we’ve come to understand the benefits that video chat has to offer, including the ability to better serve our clients, and this is something we don't want to lose sight of. Although we have made considerable progress in the face of COVID-19, variants and rising case numbers help to ensure that we will not be putting our social distancing skills away anytime soon.

Your Clients

Your clients have been injured, and they need to meaningfully connect with you for all the following important reasons:


  •      They need your professional legal guidance to help build their strongest cases – in pursuit of the compensation to which they are entitled.
  •      They need you to bolster their determination. Personal injury claims are complicated, and it is easy to lose steam (or even hope). Your clients look to you to light the way. Far too many claimants simply give up.
  •      They need you to explain what’s happening at every juncture, what to expect next, and how best to protect their claims.


Your clients need you, and video chat platforms like Zoom, Skype, and FaceTime can help you help them.

Let’s Engage

When it comes to personal injury law – and all other legal practices – phone conferences with your clients are only going to get you so far. Video chat allows you to meet your clients face to face, which expands the connections that are afforded by phone calls and which is, overall, more engaging. When we’re engaged, it improves both comprehension and collaboration (a win-win).

Penciled You In

Video chat can free up a considerable amount of room on your schedule, which helps increase flexibility for both you and your clients. To begin, your clients can skip all the following:


  •       Bending over backward to work the appointment into their busy schedules (the flexibility of Zoom, Skype, and FaceTime practically makes the sky the limit in terms of scheduling)
  •       Getting to your office while injured, which can be a serious challenge in and of itself
  •       Arranging to babysit
  •       Fighting traffic and securing parking spots
  •       Biding their time in the waiting room


Let's face it; those in-house consultations took up a lot more time and effort than we realized (before the pandemic disabused us of the notion that meeting in person was our only option).

It’s important to note that the scheduling wins are not all in the clients’ column. Video chat conferences also reduce your lag time, including the effects of clients who run late, the need to tidy up between clients, the ability to seamlessly bring in third-party expertise (without the need for endless scheduling), and much more.

Getting Down to Business

Video chat conferences can help you and your clients cut to the chase in your meetings. There is no need to physically come together, to move into a conference room, to make polite conversation, and finally, to move on to the heart of the matter. When your scheduled meeting is via video chat, it does away with a lot of the filler and helps you both get down to business in all the following ways:


  •       Video chat helps to filter out the background noise and distractions that often lurk at the edge of in-person meetings.
  •       After a brief hello (that doesn’t take any longer than greeting one another on the phone), you can delve into the matter at hand.
  •      The video chat platform allows you to share important information with your clients in the here and now (in a way you simply cannot on the phone).


Serving Your Clients Better

Your firm's reputation is built on the solid work you do for your clients and on the customer service you provide. Video chat platforms like Zoom, Skype, and FaceTime help you address both of these important prongs of your business more effectively. To serve your personal injury clients to the best of your ability, you need to connect with them and tackle the relevant legal issues head-on. The pandemic hasn't made this easy, but video chat is paving the way toward more engaging meetings that serve the best interests of Philadelphia personal injury attorneys and clients alike.

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