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WhatsApp eCommerce Store: Best Opportunity to Connect and Convert

As per WhatsApp statistics, more than 40 million people view a product catalog on WhatsApp Business app every month. This is a remarkable statistic for businesses to consider creating WhatsApp eCommerce store, isn’t it? 

In this highly competitive era, it has become crucial for businesses to embrace the power of WhatsApp Commerce. Hence, businesses should create an efficient WhatsApp store. It helps with more customer engagement, boost conversions, fuel revenue, and thereby drives your business towards success. 

Don’t know how and where to get started for creating WhatsApp store? We are here to guide you from scratch! 

In this blog, we will underline several key points related to WhatsApp eCommerce store. It includes what is WhatsApp store, why to create WhatsApp store, how to create the perfect WhatsApp store, best practices for creating WhatsApp catalog and more. 

What is WhatsApp store? 

WhatsApp store is an online shopping platform which allows instant two-way communication for buying and selling. Businesses can effectively engage with their customers to sell products through WhatsApp. 

Moreover, advancements in technology have made it possible for brands to provide a top-notch shopping experience on WhatsApp. 

WhatsApp store allows you to send captivating product catalogues to your valuable customers. They can gaze and browse the products of their choice and then instantly communicate with you for the purchase right in the chat. 

By using WhatsApp store, businesses can offer highly personalized customer experience which is crucial for the success of eCommerce brands. It helps build a strong customer relationship and enhances brand loyalty. 

Thus, WhatsApp store is one of the most convenient options for online shopping. 

Unlock the potential of WhatsApp catalogue in your business 

Grow your business on WhatsApp with its growing user base 

Why create WhatsApp eCommerce store? 


In the fast-evolving landscape of digital communication, brands should reach a wider audience to grow their online business. Being the most popular, WhatsApp is one of the effective platforms to achieve the same. 

WhatsApp eCommerce helps overcome the major challenges faced by eCommerce owners including customer retention, cart abandonment rate, and decreased re-orders. 

Also, WhatsApp eCommerce is the best example of conversational commerce which is an innovative way for online retailers to grow their business. Conversational commerce ensures that communication with customers is quick, helpful, and relevant which results in faster conversion through the sales funnel. 

Thus, by knowing the potential of WhatsApp eCommerce, businesses can choose creating WhatsApp store to grow their business online. 

? Points suggesting the significance of WhatsApp store: 

  • Build strong customer relationship: When businesses use instant chat/messenger, users feel more connected with the brand. By using new WhatsApp features such as Chatbot or automated replies, customers can get quick response to their queries 

eCommerce businesses can share product catalogues with their customers according to their preferences. An absolute product catalogue consists of impressive product images, price tags, detailed product descriptions and other useful information. 

Customers can browse the products and ask for further information quickly via WhatsApp which helps them to add products into cart easily. To answer common customer queries, you can use WhatsApp chatbots which replies to the general customer questions seamlessly. 

Thus, WhatsApp offers more enjoyable shopping experience to the users and helps build a strong customer relationship. 

  • A friendly chat with customers for better experience: As you relate to your users for a one-one communication, you can have a friendly chat with them regarding your products or services. You can also guide them in finding out what they are looking for on your WhatsApp store. 

If users have shown interest in some of your products, and they want to explore a few more related products then you can provide them with other products of interest to them. 

  • Shopping made quick and easy: Customers can buy things easily without leaving the WhatsApp chat. WhatsApp commerce offers a simple and fast way to get the desired product without any complicated steps. 

WhatsApp is the preferred shopping platform for many users, and it is growing day by day. Being the most engaging messaging platform, WhatsApp could be the superpower for your eCommerce business too! 

  • Easy upselling and cross-selling: WhatsApp shop provides the best opportunity to upsell or cross-sell your products. If customers have had a positive experience of shopping with your brand, they will again return to your brand. 

With a cross-selling practice, you can make your existing customer a potential target so that he purchases another product or service from you. 

Using the chat feature, you can proactively connect with your customers about deals, discounts, and personalized recommendations that you may have, creating a highly efficient distribution channel. 

  • Safest platform with enhanced security: With its end-to-end encryption and two-factor authentication features, WhatsApp gives your customers assurance in your legitimacy. Businesses can also stay away from handling multiple rules and compliance laws while employing WhatsApp business. 

WhatsApp is one of the safest platforms to share texts, images, videos, or audios as it provides end-to-end encryption. Businesses can carefully manage customer data, transactions, and information with the privacy and security that WhatsApp delivers. 

? If you are still not convinced, here are a few more WhatsApp stats: 

  • WhatsApp Business API_ A Comprehensive Guide to Ev
Monday, 10 June 2024