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As the winter months go on, drivers spend significant time driving at dusk or in darkness. Driving at night carries special risks, including drowsy driving, when drivers are more often fatigued. Driving while fatigued is as hazardous as drunk driving, according to research from the National Safety Council. Drivers who are tired are three times more likely to be in a car accident. What can drivers do to minimize the risks of driving while fatigued and who is most at risk? The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has found that young drivers, aged 16 to 24, are almost two times as likely to be in a fatigue-related car accident.

Warning Signs and Prevention Strategies

Driving while tired is a common problem to which most drivers can relate, but driving while significantly fatigued poses a greater accident risk than drivers may realize. There are certain risk factors to be aware of based on collision research. While any driver can suffer from sleep deprivation and late-night tiredness, some people, especially the youth, are more at-risk than others. Young drivers under age 24 make up more drowsy driving accidents than drivers aged 40 to 59. Young drivers also have less experience behind the wheel and may be less likely to recognize the signs that they are dangerously fatigued.

Other drivers at-risk are those who work hours other than a standard day shift job. This can include swing shift workers whose work hours change periodically, and those who work at night. Commercial drivers are also at a higher risk. On the road, truck drivers comprise 15 percent of all truck accidents involving drowsiness.

Fatigue Prevention

Prevention includes common sense strategies that are sometimes ignored. Planning trips during the hours a driver is typically awake is one simple solution. When on the road, plan for stops at least every two hours or per 100 miles traveled. Simply stopping and getting out of the vehicle can help decrease tiredness. Warning signs that you are in danger of a fatigue-related accident include rubbing eyes, excessive yawning, wandering out of lanes, and difficulty focusing. Any driver who is experiencing these signs should pull over and rest or change drivers, if possible.

The risks are not only to the driver but to passengers and other vehicles. A car accident, even if relatively minor, can have serious effects, including injury to oneself and others, property damage, traffic violations and points, and higher insurance rates. Those injured can suffer medical consequences and experience long lasting effects to their livelihood. If you are hurt in a car accident, an experienced Philadelphia car accident lawyer will be on your side.

Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyers at McCann & Wall, LLC Assist Victims Injured in Drowsy Driving Accidents

If you were injured in an accident with a drowsy driver, contact the Philadelphia car accident lawyers at McCann & Wall, LLC. We represent victims of car accidents and work to obtain the maximum results you need to recover from your injury. Located in Philadelphia, Abington, and Media, Pennsylvania; Wilmington, Delaware; and Haddonfield, New Jersey, we represent injured parties throughout the surrounding areas. Please complete our online form for a free consultation or call us at 215-515-7644.

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Defective products cause thousands of injuries to consumers each year. If you were injured by a defective product, you may be entitled to compensation for any resulting injuries you have suffered. The following are tips on what to do when injured by a defective product:

Go to the Doctor

Seek medical attention immediately for any injuries. Your health is most important; keep in mind that for certain types of injuries, symptoms may not surface for some time so follow the doctor’s instructions and attend all scheduled follow-up visits. Also, be sure to maintain records of your doctor’s visits and any treatments prescribed.

Preserve the Evidence

Some defects are easy to identify while others may not be so obvious. Do not throw the defective product away; preserve it as evidence for your potential lawsuit. Common types of defective products include toys, food, vehicle parts, and dangerous drugs.

Document Your Injuries

Keep a written account of your injuries both immediately after the accident and over time. Take pictures of your injures, as well as the product to bolster the evidence in your case. Also, write down your account of what happened, including the date, time, and location of the incident, along with the names and contact information of any witnesses.

Know the Law

Understanding the law can help you present a strong case. Under products liability law, manufacturers or suppliers are responsible for ensuring the safety of their products and warning customers of any known dangers associated with them. Those who manufacture or sell defective or dangerous products may be liable for any injuries caused by those products. There are three types of product defects that a plaintiff may assert in a products liability claim:

  • Design defect: This is a defect inherent in the product’s design; it was flawed before it was even manufactured or put on the shelf.
  • Manufacturing defect: A product that has a safe design but becomes defective during its manufacture or assembly is said to have a manufacturing defect.
  • Marketing defect: This type of claim is not based on the design or the manufacture of the product but rather the way in which the product was marketed; for example, improper labeling, insufficient instructions, or inadequate safety warnings.

Any party in the chain of distribution can be held liable for injuries caused by the product, including manufacturers, suppliers, wholesalers, and distributors. They are all responsible for ensuring that the product meets the ordinary expectations of the consumer. When someone is injured by a product while using it the way it was intended to be used, the injured party may be entitled to compensation.

Philadelphia Products Liability Lawyers at McCann & Wall, LLC Help Those Injured by Defective Products

If you were injured by a defective or dangerous product, contact a Philadelphia products liability lawyer at McCann & Wall, LLC right away. We may be able to help you recover various types of compensation for your injuries, including medical expenses, lost wages, disability, and pain and suffering. Located in Philadelphia, Media, and Abington, Pennsylvania; Wilmington, Delaware; and Haddonfield, New Jersey, we represent clients throughout the surrounding areas. For a free consultation, contact us online or call us at 215-515-7644.

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Many people dread daylight saving time (DST) because it causes them to lose a valuable hour of sleep. It can be especially difficult for those with sleep issues. Each year when the clock is set an hour forward, millions wake up feeling tired. This year, the time shift will occur on March 8. One researcher stated that DST puts sleep and wake cycles out of sync, throwing off biological clocks and causing mini jetlag. If they get behind the wheel feeling like this, it can seriously affect their driving behaviors, leading to an increased risk for accidents.

Scientific Evidence

It may not seem like a lot, but just one lost hour of sleep can slow one’s reaction time. The University of Colorado Boulder’s Circadian and Sleep Epidemiology Laboratory looked at 22 years of data on 732,835 fatal car crashes and found a six percent accident risk increase during the week after the time shift. These numbers broke down to 28 fatal crashes a year, or 5.7 each day of the workweek following the time change. The study’s senior author stated that the risks were more likely to occur in the morning. They did not find an increase in crashes on the Sunday following the time shift, likely because more people do not work on Sundays and can sleep in.

The study was analyzed by other outlets, who concurred with the findings. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics wrote that even small decreases of sleep time can create stress on one’s body, and can contribute to the development of diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. The U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health’s PubMed published an abstract, which noted a significant increase in auto accidents on the Monday following the time shift in the spring and on the Sunday following the time shift in the fall. For the latter, they concluded that an increase in staying out later and increased alcohol consumption into the early morning hours could have caused the spike in the Sunday accidents.

Preparing for DST

Although the overall yearly increase in these accidents is not high, fatal accidents do occur. PubMed recommends that public health educators issue warnings about the spring time shift. It is also a good idea to prepare ahead of time for the change by getting some extra sleep in the days preceding it. A Johns Hopkins neurologist said that for people who are already sleep-deprived, losing more sleep can produce severe effects.

Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyers at McCann & Wall, LLC Provide Trusted Legal Guidance to Car Accident Victims

Motor vehicle crashes can happen anytime, and the experienced Philadelphia car accident lawyers at McCann & Wall, LLC are ready to help. For a free consultation, complete our online form or call us at 215-515-7644. Located in Philadelphia, Abington, and Media, Pennsylvania; Wilmington, Delaware; and Haddonfield, New Jersey, we serve clients from the surrounding areas.

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Car accidents are a major source of brain injuries. An impact causing a sudden and unexpected stop will force the brain to collide with the skull. Injury can be caused even if the driver’s head does not actually hit anything in the vehicle. Injury is likely to be worse if there is direct impact to the head, such as if the head hits the windshield.  Brain injuries caused by a crash can range from being relatively minor and temporary to permanently debilitating. About 80 percent of traumatic brain injury (TBI) cases are considered mild with about 10 percent being moderate and 10 percent being severe.

Dangers of TBI

It can be difficult at first to determine the severity of a brain injury since it can occur without any evidence of a head wound. Severe TBI is potentially life-threatening and poses serious risk of devastating physical, mental, and emotional impairment. Without adequate medical attention, recovery times and outcomes will worsen. Therefore, it is important to follow up any car crash with a medical evaluation to determine the extent of injury. Mild TBI usually resolves over time following adequate rest and a gradual return to normal activities. Severe TBI is often difficult to resolve. Proper medical evaluation and initial intake are vital to ensuring maximum recovery of function.  This can involve extensive treatment and rehabilitation.

Secondary Injuries and Treatment

After impact, primary trauma and damage to the brain is instantaneous.  Secondary injury can occur when cellular and molecular changes to the brain happen in response to the primary trauma. Cellular swelling, inter-cranial bleeding, edema and pressure, and hypoxia can all occur after impact and cause further damage. Secondary injuries can be mitigated with proper and timely medical intervention. Without it, TBI-related brain injury can escalate rapidly.  Symptoms of TBI can include anxiety, blood clotting, seizures, depression, muscle spasms, and exhaustion. Impairment of coordination, speech, and cognitive function are all common consequences of TBI.

Once a TBI patient has been stabilized, they will need to be evaluated to determine the nature and extent of any physical and cognitive impairment. Impacts from TBI can be hard to pinpoint and may take a long time to diagnose, treat, and resolve. Often, extensive treatment and rehabilitation are required to maximize recovery. In addition, emotional issues are also frequently associated with serious TBI cases, which can include depression and anxiety, as well as difficulty with memory, concentration, and reasoning. Some of these can be treated with medication and counseling.

Delaware Car Accident Lawyers at McCann & Wall, LLC Advocate for Those Suffering Brain Injuries from Car Accidents

Medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering related to TBI can be extensive. The nature of the accident and other factors can be evaluated to determine whether a victim is entitled to damages. Our experienced Delaware car accident lawyers at McCann & Wall, LLC can help you obtain the compensation you rightfully deserve. Call us at 302-308-7013 or complete an online form to set up a free consultation. Located in Wilmington, Delaware, we serve clients throughout the state, including Dover, Newark, and Middletown.